moments worth remembering
lifestyle photography iceland
stories worth telling
kind words from my wonderful clients
Maternity session
Sorina made us feel so comfortable that the whole photoshoot felt like a casual chat among friends. She is also very good with kids, our son loved her bubbly presence in our home.
Okay ég verð bara að gefa Sorina risa hrós. Hún kom heim til mín og taka meðgöngu myndatöku og þvílíka upplifunin. Mer leið sjúklega vel þó það hafi verið blá ókunnug manneskja inni á mínu heimili en leið samt eins og við værum búinn að þekkjast í mörg ár og leið mer svo vel á meðan á myndatökunni stoð og myndirnar sem ég fékk frá henni voru guðdómlega og hefði ég ekki vilja fá neinn annan í þetta verk heldur en Sorina enda mun þetta ekki vera í síðasta skipti sem við munum hittast í myndatöku. Hún ætlar neflega að vera svo yndisleg og taka nýbura myndir fyrir mig líka og bíð ég spent eftir þann myndatöku og veit ég að útkoman verður guðdómleg
We had a family photoshoot booked with Sorina. She was super flexible with finding the right time and location that's suitable for us, however this is Iceland and of course we ended up having the session in unfavorable weather conditions. Despite this, she was very easygoing, and cheerful. I think she is generally that type of person who shines whatever the weather. The sessions went well, despite that my son didn't enjoy the wind very much and we were a bit stressed about it, the pictures look amazing and there's no sign of any of it on the pictures. Somehow, she managed to capture the feelings and not the momentary mood. I really like the outcome and am incredibly grateful for these photos
Personal Branding
I can't recommend Sorina enough! She's a lovely photographer to work with and her photos always look so natural. She has a talent for capturing small moments! I look forward to working with her again in the future!
We are so happy with the outcome of the maternity photos from Sorina! We felt very comfortable during the photoshoot and she was open to all our ideas, as well as being very patient with outfit changes/location changes and a one year old running around. Not only were the photos beautiful but the service was 10/10, she answered all our questions right away, sent out a survey regarding the photoshoot beforehand and everything was so organised and well done!
We can’t wait for our newborn photoshoot with her!